Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Okay so I'm really sick (strep throat) and can't go tonight, but I was hoping to get some feedback nexttime maybe or just on the blog...

So I went to the shoreline to get pictures of birds, and my main question is how much do people like panning with a clear bird vs. a bird with blurred wings but focused body/face vs. everything crisp and high shutter speed snap shot.

I kindof want to become a wildlife photographer and I just dont know exactly what the status quo is.


  1. Hey Courtney,
    You've got some nice photos here. You're off to a good start.
    Some suggestions:
    Look at wild life photographers who you admire on line, in books and in magazines. You will be able to see the images that not only the photographers like but publishers and editors choose. You'll also get plenty of ideas on how to photograph wild life.
    As far as the "frozen" moments go you could use an even faster shutter. When you look at the images up close they show a little bit of a motion blur. As far a depicting movement along with still parts in images it depends on what you're going for and what individual pictures call for.
    Also it looks like you'll need to get your sensor cleaned because you have some reoccurring and rather unfortunate blackish blobs on each of your pictures in exactly the same spots. Look closely and you'll see them bottom middle-ish and top middle-ish of each image. Check and clean your lens to make sure it's not dust on your lens or your filter but they look to me like dust on your sensor.

  2. I think that people like blurriness but only if it looks very intentional. But also, if you get a crisp shot of an animal in motion, that can impress your audience even more.
